Sunday, September 21, 2014

Family ~ Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends

Family ~ Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends

Do you still remember what made you decide that it is time for you to tie the knot with your partner?
Was it that unforgettable proposal that he had literally swept you off ground?
Was it because age is catching up and anyway you have been together for so so long...and so it is time to?

Whatever the factor was, it doesn't really matter anymore.
What matters now (after being married) is the 'How' and 'What' you both can do to start your family and never let it end.

Aaron and I decided to tie our knot within a year of our courtship. When we sent out our invites to relatives and friends, many of them went 'So fast?' etc.. We settled for an alfresco outdoor wedding at 1-TwentySix, Playground @Big Spash (just googled that it has ceased operation) and a month after that (as planned), we were promoted to become Daddy and Mommy! I quit my job and prep myself for the Motherhood Journey. Was I nervous or worried? Not at all! Other than the very bad morning sickness that lasted almost 5 months, I was really enjoying every moment and counting down to the day of delivery. I told myself that I am already a mother and I sure can take care of my own baby, without any help - and I did it; not once but twice!

There is a Chinese sayings ‘船到桥头,自然直’ (to cross that bridge when we come to it). I am a positive person. I always believe that 'where there is a will, there is a way' and this notion has seen me thru many life's experiences; the good, the bad and the worst. The state of mind is of utmost importance in our life. It not only controls every part of our body, it actually ruled it and our future is highly dependent on it.

Most would agree with me that before and after marriage, before and after having children, things DO change; such as commitments and responsibilities. The change is often more significant in women. The promises that we have made to our husbands, that 'I will not neglect you even after our baby is born' (doesn't this ring a bell? lol) - how many of us have kept it? On behalf of Mommies, I say this to the Daddies: We are not neglecting you. We are just temporary taking away OUR time to give it to our little ones and we hope to have this understanding from you that this move is necessary and one day (very soon) the lost time will come back to you. It may sound selfish to some, but I believe that there are few out there who truly understand the need for this lost.

Having said that, I admit that ever since the birth of Alexis (my 1st girl), I have given almost all my time to my children. Some may say this is poor time-management. Some may say 'Same here!". I do not have to defend myself nor do I have to explain further. YOU don't have to either :). We all know more than anyone else, why things have change from before to now. And the point here is not to make any other person understand because the only person who matters and the only person who need to understand is OUR PARTNER.

Still remember the marriage vows that was witnessed by many? " love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, as long as we both shall live" ?

Commitment is a mindset . . . an attitude . . . a way of thinking that will enable you and your spouse to navigate through the still waters and the storms of a marriage relationship. Along the journey, during the transition periods from courting to married to becoming parents, there is bound to have arguments or even fights - these are simply parts and parcels of life and due to the differences in every individual; Man and Woman.

If you have have not read the book on 'Man are from Mars, Woman are from Venus', I strongly recommend you to grab one today! This is definitely a MUST READ for EVERY man and woman. This book has enlightened me a lot in terms of relationships and how our brains are wired differently. I came to understand that many disagreements can be agreed, many fights can be un-fought . . . if only we know why man don't listen and they accept that we don't read maps! I read the book many years back, it is amazingly interesting and a good read! 

However there are still many days that I got up from the wrong side of bed and even the angels can't help me think right - I am still ME. There will be days when everything seems all so perfect and suddenly the next day, nothing seems right. What I want to say is... when 2 persons decide to come together as 1, to start a brand new life together, to create a better tomorrow... this is where Life begins and Love Never Ends.

Aaron and I have fought the worst-est fights, but at the end of every fight, it is very important we know that we fight so much because we actually love each other. Just like the fights with our parents, siblings, besties... we fight with the people we love because we usually want something, we want to be loved by them, feel supported, and we want them on our side AT ALL TIMES.

The next time you begin to feel that 'it is over', think about WHEN it Begins. Just like the love of a mother for her child . . . when love begins, it NEVER ends . . .

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

EZEQUE Skin Therapy for Dry, Itching and Sensitive Skin

Count yourself LUCKY if you or your precious little ones are not suffering from dry and sensitive skins. Be more sensitive with words you use when you encounter someone who is scratching all the way because non-intentional words hurts and it can ruin ANY person's self-esteem.

I am talking on behalf of all stressed-up mommies whose little ones are suffering from eczema. Being one of them, I empathize the helplessness when we watch them scratch till their skin bleeds. Other than trying our very best to rid of any allergens that may cause any adverse reaction to their skin, the other task that all of us consistently do is to moisturize their skin every few hours with whatever lotions that is best in our knowledge. We used to indulge in the best skincare on our faces, and now we spent almost every cent to get the best lotions and creams that is said to be good for eczema skin.

We know that every single thing that comes into contact with their skin, like body wash, shampoo, lotions and even apparels, if not selected with great care, may cause their eczema to flare up. However, most of us, still will give that new product a TRY - because "...everything I do (try), I do (try) it for you (our children)".

Same for me, I have tried everything that I have heard (that is good) - from off-the-shelves to expensive ones from dermatologists, from applying fresh aloe vera to feeding her with pure cedar nut oil, from switching her entire diet to ONLY-organic stuffs. One simple fact I know and am praying very very hard is that 'eczema is for life, and most of the time it will be outgrown as the child grows older' (crossing my fingers!). But before that miracle day comes, I will never stop doing my homework - to find the one product that will help her relief her itch and moisturize her skin MINUS the oily-feel.

Of all the creams and lotions that I have applied on Alexia's skin, Physiogel A1 range is what I would strongly recommend. The creams and lotions have anti-itch effect, and it keeps the skin moisturize well. However, it doesn't pass me off totally because of the oily-feel from the cream and the other point is - A1 range is not sold in pharmacies,  I got mine from their PD at United Sq and I understand that only PDs and hospitals carry it.. and so, my search continues...

As the saying goes: It is always good to keep an open eye! Terence from SEC called and told me that a new product is on the way and we can try it for Alexia. His description on 'Non-steroid' and 'Itch Relief' attracted me. Well-known for his good service, Terence passed me the samples the very next day, just the right time as Alexia was having a flare up.

The set came in 2 bottles, a Mist Spray and Moisturizing Cream.
SEC Mist Spray
The function of the mist spray is to soothe and relieve itchiness fast, which prevent and stop the scratching. In addition, the formulation works to moisturize and hydrate the skin from inside out. The spray has anti-septic ingredients, hence it is great for open wounds too (*there will be a mild stingy sensation when sprayed on open wounds)

SEC Cream

The function of the cream is to seal and block off foreign particles from entering the skin. It prevents loss of water and moisture from the skin by covering the skin's surface, closing the cracks and enhances the skin barrier.

I tried this combination and am really satisfied with the results as it does relieve her skin's itch almost instantly and her skin was moisturize without the oily-feel! Of course, the most important factor for me is that it is Steroid free and Paraben free! It is so compact that I can bring it out wherever I go!

I tested it on her elbow and the back of her thigh and below are some pictures which I have taken over a duration of 3-5 days.

(elbow) Day 1
(elbow) Day 2

(elbow) Day 3
(elbow) Day 4 - Inflammation reduced and skin repaired!

(back of thigh) Day 1

(back of thigh) Day 2
(back of thigh) Day 3 - Inflammation cleared!

Today, many of us go for Paraben-FREE and Sulfate-FREE products because of the harmful chemicals that can affect our health and skin. We also know that too much steroids will cause thinning of the skin and therefore we try our very best to reduce the use of it; unless necessary.

If you, your little ones, or even anyone you know of, is suffering from eczema, you may want to share this with them ~ Your sharing may change a person's life!

You can make a date with Terence @6659 7890 and head down to their office at 1Pemimpin Drive OR visit their store at Takashimaya, (Household Department, Level B1)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Western Medicines Or Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) ???

When you are not feeling well, or someone in your family requires medical attention, where do you go - the nearest GP clinic or TCM? Do you believe ONLY in 1 of the 2 practices or you think that each has its own specialty?

As for myself (and I believe many of you too), my mom brought me and my brother to our family GP clinic when we are unwell. In fact, almost all of those whom I know, seek consultation from the Western practices; which is considered a norm. How about those who prefer the TCM - do we label them as 'exceptions'? Ironically, those who believe more in TCM may call us the 'exceptions'.

I would say there is no right or wrong, whichever one prefers is solely based on his beliefs and most of the time, these beliefs are results of Upbringing & Habits - We have been brought up to consult the western practitioners, from the day we are born for the vaccinations and so since we are there, our parents (and now us), conveniently consult the doctor for any health-related concerns.

I have never given any thought to how TCM can help improve one's health, nor have I ever step into one when I am down. It was not until I was into my early 30's, the time when my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer, when she started to undergo chemotherapy, that I started to get interested to learn more about the other options, besides western medicines. My mom was not the first one in the family who was hit by cancer. Her father (my most beloved Grandpa) was also diagnosed with colon cancer 2 years before her diagnosis - he lost it after 1.5years of battling. My family was strongly hit by CANCER - since 2006 till now, it has taken away a total of 6 family members; which includes grandpa, mom, god-ma, aunty and 2 uncles - and this is a huge blow to me and their next-of-kins.

I would sit before the computer for hours and into the wee hours, just to learn more about what Cancer is all about and how chemotherapy can have adverse effects on a patient and what other options should one go for to quickly boost up his immunity since all the good and bad cells will go with chemotherapy. I am not being paranoid after having witness so many of them gone. I just feel there is definitely more to what one can do to fight and win this cruel battle. I am grateful for my desire to learn more and the never-stop-learning mentality as I then realize the importance of collaborating the Western & Eastern Medicines towards having a STRONGER Body and Mind, especially for one who is undergoing chemotherapy or has any health or even skin disorders.

Now a mother of 2, maintaining every one's health in the pinkest level, has top my priority list. I always believe in keeping myself open to every options that is available and that positivity leads to better things in life. On top of supplementing our health, I am also concern over my younger daughter's eczema issue. I started us on a liquid health supplement (Vemma) in September 2012 and today my girls are enjoying their weekly Paediatric Tui-na (推拿) massage at Thomson Medical TCM, which I believe will strengthen their digestive systems, build up their immunity and in turn improve my girl's eczema issue.

There is a very important lesson that I have learn from one of the TCM doctor, she said:
"A person may be taking the most expensive ginseng everyday...BUT if he does not maintain a healthy lifestyle, every single bit of the ginseng or any life's elixir will only go to waste. Whether western or eastern medicines, bear in mind, neither of it cures. Ultimately it is the Lifestyle that plays the MAJOR role in a person's life." 
And she further explained to me a healthy lifestyle means: a good diet, a positive mindset, stress and anger management, quality sleep and exercise!

Positivity will block the negative thoughts that overwhelm you during tough times. 
Stay positive and you'll achieve more than what you set yourself for.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

SEC Shower - A Solution To Dry And Itchy Skin

"Stop scratching or your skin will become worse!"

Does the above ring a bell to you? Or is this a common sentence you often use? Hmm... this has been a daily sentence that I have been using for more than a year and I guess my girls are getting tired listening to me. Almost everyday, I would say that to Alexia and I know as she is growing up, she too is getting annoyed with her skin condition.

Of course I know that it is not that she like or want to scratch, I know that other than scratching, there is almost nothing else she can do to relieve the itch, even if the area starts to bleed. Yes - you hear me right, she would even continue to scratch when it has began to bleed! And there I would go - screaming at her to "STOP"!

Hey, you must be thinking I am such a bad mommy, so hard-hearted. Don't comment so fast unless you are in my shoes. Or you may say: If I was in your shoes, I would show more patience and love towards her. Fair enough, I agree with you. I agree that being a mother, especially when my child is suffering from eczema, I should show more love and patience towards her. I did! I swear I did - showered her with MORE love and patience. Unfortunately, there are just some days when my impatience would overtake my patience, my anger (or rather helplessness) would take over my love and I just hit my top!

I believe there are also someone out there, who feels the same way as me. We try so hard to do what we can, to prevent them from scratching, to prevent their skin from bleeding, but no matter how hard we try, the one split second that we move away from them, come the onset of the bleeding and there goes the almost-recovering skin again.

I am not asking for understanding here nor trying to defend myself. I am just saying that, seeing my child suffer is the last thing I want and even on days when anger took over everything else, I have never stop looking for whatever solution there is to help improve her skin.

I bring her to recommended doctors, Western or TCMs. Very often, I was consoled by doctors and friends that there were more worse cases than her. But this has never stop me from looking on for anything that may be good for her. I tried various cleansers and moisturizers, I changed her whole diet to only organic food. I invested in good vacuum that is able to trap the finest dust, to provide a cleaner environment for her. I surf the internet every night on all eczema-related websites. I try to find natural and home-remedies because I do not like the constant use of steroid creams. I would do everything from A-Z to help her improve her condition as we all know that eczema is almost incurable - all we can do is to pray hard that she will outgrow it sooner, and try our very best to maintain the skin and prevent any flare ups.

In April 2013, our prayers were somehow answered. Aaron read from Young Parents magazine about the SEC Shower system that can help people with skin sensitivity and eczema. Without ANY hesitation, we scheduled an appointment to find out more. The representative gave us a demo on how the system works and explained the technology that was in used.

Any hope is a hope for Alexia and of course we bought the Shower system and the installation was scheduled on that very Saturday! When investing in any product, I always look on the benefits of it. The water bubbles created a soothing pressure when it touches the skin. MOST importantly, we observed that Alexia's skin has become more moisturized and she does not scratch as badly as before. And ever since then, my girls always look forward to their bath-time.

Good things are meant to be shared.
I am not bragging about this Shower system for any reasons.I understand the helplessness any parents have when they have a child who is suffering from eczema and I just hope that this system can help relieve the child's discomfort, the way it has helped Alexia.

If you would like to find out more about the shower system, below is their address and contact for your easy reference.

SEC International Pte Ltd
1 Pemimpin Drive , #07-09 One Pemimpin, Singapore 576151
Tel: (65) 6659 7890    Fax: (65) 6234 6528

 **The representatives are very friendly and I definitely love their after-sales service.