The 2nd Trimester (13-28 weeks) is most physically enjoyable for most MTB, you will be glowing and feeling energetic. While some pregnancy sypmtoms, such as a morning sickness and nausea can abate, new ones can begin. What follows is a list of chang
es that you may see in your body during this trimester.
Skin Changes, Stretch Marks and Increasing Belly Size. The uterus has grown to the height of the belly button, making the pregnancy visible. Your baby is growing fast and occupying more room and any day now you will feel your little one move inside you. You may notice that skin pigmentation may change on the face or abdomen due to the pregnancy hormones. This usually disappears after pregnancy.
Skin Changes, Stretch Marks and Increasing Belly Size. The uterus has grown to the height of the belly button, making the pregnancy visible. Your baby is growing fast and occupying more room and any day now you will feel your little one move inside you. You may notice that skin pigmentation may change on the face or abdomen due to the pregnancy hormones. This usually disappears after pregnancy.
Tips to help minimize or prevent stretch marks:
1. Keep your weight gain steady and under control
2. Promote elasticity in your skin by nourishing it with a good diet
3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water
4. Use a stretch mark cream or a prevention cream
Abdominal and Lower Backache
As your uterus and abdomen expands, you might feel pains in your abdomen, groin area or thighs. You may feel backaches due to your increasing weight. You'll also experiencing aching near your pelvic bone from the pressure of the baby's head, your increased weight and the loosening joints in these areas. The lower abdomen may ache as ligaments stretch to support the uterus. Lying down, resting or applying heat can help resolve some of these aches and pains. Also, wearing a support girdle can help relieve back pain.
Urination Frequency may decrease as the uterus grows out of the pelvic cavity; relieving pressure on the bladder.
Nose Bleeds and Gum Bleeds
Increase in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can affect the mucous membranes in the nose and gums. The hormones cause an increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose and gums, which can lead to nasal congestion causing nose to bleed and spongier gums will thus bleed more easily.
Vaginal Discharge
A white-colored discharge called leukorrhea is normal. However a colored or bloody discharge may signal possible complications and should be examined immediately.
Tingling and Itching In the Fingers
This is common occurrence during prgnancy due to the swelling of tissues in the narrow passages of your wrists.. The swollen tissues put pressure on nerves which can cause numbness and tingling. Also, due to the stretching of your skin, it is common to experience some itching over the stretched tissue, particularly over the abdomen. These symptoms normally disappear after you deliver your baby.
Sleeping Trouble
Tips to help you get a better night's rest:
1. Engage in light exercise.
2. Use a body pillow for support.
3. Do not nap too much during daytime.
4. Limit intake of liquids after 6pm if you frequently wakes up in the night for urination.
5. Follow and stick to a regular sleep pattern, even during weekends.
Quickening of Fetal Movement
You may be able to feel the movement of the fetus for the first time. This phenomenon is called quickening and is typically felt by the end of the 5th month. On average, quickening is felt first between the 18th and 22nd weeks. Variations are normal and women who have had a baby before are likely to experience movement earlier. The actual movement and kicking is normally felt by the end of the 7th month. A 3D ultrasound (at this time) can provide a particularly vivid image of exactly what your baby is up to!
Heart burn, indigestion and constipation may continue. You may try to tale a glass of prune juice first thing in the early morning before your breakfast - it helps for me =p.
My 2nd Trimester - I was scheduled for the Anomaly scan. Most women are offered second trimester scan between weeks 18 - 22 to check on the baby's development. The scan is detailed and the whole scan last for nearly half an hour. Scan result was GOOD, confirmed the genda (our princess, Alexis), and she weighs nearly half a kilo!
The morning sickness sunk in all the way till into the 16th week! Hey friends, that is almost 5 months! It started to improve during my 5th months and yes I was glad it is finally almost over; though not TOTALLY.
During the end of my 1st trimester, I began to have acute migraine, daily from early evening (at work) and all the way till I reach home. During the night, my whole body was so tensed up and it affected my sleep. I went back to my gynae for help. She prescribed some mild medication to relieve my migraine and tension and I was given another week of MC to rest. I thought I will be 'okay' but NO - the day I returned back to work, the migraine started and the tension sunk in again. I discussed with Aaron, and we decided that I cannot go on like this as it would be 'bad' for Alexis's growth. The next day, I tendered my resignation because nurturing Alexis has become
my priority.
As your uterus and abdomen expands, you might feel pains in your abdomen, groin area or thighs. You may feel backaches due to your increasing weight. You'll also experiencing aching near your pelvic bone from the pressure of the baby's head, your increased weight and the loosening joints in these areas. The lower abdomen may ache as ligaments stretch to support the uterus. Lying down, resting or applying heat can help resolve some of these aches and pains. Also, wearing a support girdle can help relieve back pain.
Urination Frequency may decrease as the uterus grows out of the pelvic cavity; relieving pressure on the bladder.
Nose Bleeds and Gum Bleeds
Increase in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can affect the mucous membranes in the nose and gums. The hormones cause an increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose and gums, which can lead to nasal congestion causing nose to bleed and spongier gums will thus bleed more easily.
Vaginal Discharge
A white-colored discharge called leukorrhea is normal. However a colored or bloody discharge may signal possible complications and should be examined immediately.
Tingling and Itching In the Fingers
This is common occurrence during prgnancy due to the swelling of tissues in the narrow passages of your wrists.. The swollen tissues put pressure on nerves which can cause numbness and tingling. Also, due to the stretching of your skin, it is common to experience some itching over the stretched tissue, particularly over the abdomen. These symptoms normally disappear after you deliver your baby.
Sleeping Trouble
Tips to help you get a better night's rest:
1. Engage in light exercise.
2. Use a body pillow for support.
3. Do not nap too much during daytime.
4. Limit intake of liquids after 6pm if you frequently wakes up in the night for urination.
5. Follow and stick to a regular sleep pattern, even during weekends.
Quickening of Fetal Movement
You may be able to feel the movement of the fetus for the first time. This phenomenon is called quickening and is typically felt by the end of the 5th month. On average, quickening is felt first between the 18th and 22nd weeks. Variations are normal and women who have had a baby before are likely to experience movement earlier. The actual movement and kicking is normally felt by the end of the 7th month. A 3D ultrasound (at this time) can provide a particularly vivid image of exactly what your baby is up to!
Heart burn, indigestion and constipation may continue. You may try to tale a glass of prune juice first thing in the early morning before your breakfast - it helps for me =p.
My 2nd Trimester - I was scheduled for the Anomaly scan. Most women are offered second trimester scan between weeks 18 - 22 to check on the baby's development. The scan is detailed and the whole scan last for nearly half an hour. Scan result was GOOD, confirmed the genda (our princess, Alexis), and she weighs nearly half a kilo!
The morning sickness sunk in all the way till into the 16th week! Hey friends, that is almost 5 months! It started to improve during my 5th months and yes I was glad it is finally almost over; though not TOTALLY.
During the end of my 1st trimester, I began to have acute migraine, daily from early evening (at work) and all the way till I reach home. During the night, my whole body was so tensed up and it affected my sleep. I went back to my gynae for help. She prescribed some mild medication to relieve my migraine and tension and I was given another week of MC to rest. I thought I will be 'okay' but NO - the day I returned back to work, the migraine started and the tension sunk in again. I discussed with Aaron, and we decided that I cannot go on like this as it would be 'bad' for Alexis's growth. The next day, I tendered my resignation because nurturing Alexis has become
my priority.
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